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  • Iron Gameshop continues as Joydo

    Iron Gameshop continues as Joydo

    There are some big upcoming changes. Mid September (as soon as we have a date we will announce that) our store will open in Dieren. We have used that change to take a good look at what we offer. We once started just selling games, but that's not exactly true of our current offering. And while games will always be an important part of what we offer, we cannot deny how big the merchandise has become.

    Hence Joydo. With the contrast and similarity of the joy of merchandise and the do of games. But hopefully there is also joy in collecting and playing games, and a do-factor in presenting the merchandise.

    We have been able to and dared to take this step because of all the positive reactions over the last two and a half years. They have brought us a lot of joy in doing this shop. We hope to greet a lot of you in the future in the store of Joydo, but rest assured that the webshop will continue as it has been.

    Please contact us if you have any questions.
